We are delighted to introduce to you the first ever edition of your very own gazette “Reverie - a daydream”, an expeditious peer reviewed magazine from the hearts of STGians. We at Sanskriti believe that the learning spaces have to be rich with stimuli. Keeping the same in mind, Reverie is an amalgam of themes across various diverse pursuits presented to you in the most effortless and engrossing way every month. 


This edition focuses on our alumni and their "ALMA MATER." Instead of our pupils, it includes contributions from our former students. Share their experiences, value their memories, and enjoy our favourite location. The proud Stgian's talked about how this school gave them the chance to develop into the people they genuinely wanted to be. Today, we get to experience what it is like to exist outside of this sacred space of ours. 


The “Utsavaanaam Vrittaanta” in Sanskrit refers to the Story/history/tale/narrative of festivals. India boasts of the title of the “land of festivals” owing to its rich cultural diversity.  In India, every month has its own set of festivals and other significant events. However, the most important festivals start in October making it the month of joy, happiness, and celebrations. The festive mood dawdles on. It is a joyous month where meals are no less than a feast.


It is believed that art is an acquired skill , and not all are artists. However for as long as humanity has existed , art has been with us throughout. Art is a medium for people to pour their emotions out and express their beliefs and desires that they can't put out in the world otherwise , and feelings are never right or wrong. Every individual is a budding artist , and this month's edition creates a platform for all of these rising talents to form a collection of the purest forms of art, true to their nature and beliefs , beautifully presented.


Introducing the very first edition of the reverie gazette, revolving around the topic "What does it means to be you". This topic was open to interpretation where people could explore and unravel yourselves. The you from the topic can be changed according to one's perception of themselves. Either be it through the eyes of a woman, teenager , dancer, artist or even a particular feeling such as happiness. It gave them a chance to dive deep into their experiences and beliefs while developing a strong sense of identity and unleashing it to the world.

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